Not even COVID-19 can stop Soup of Success from empowering women!

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COVID-19 hasn't been easy for anyone to weather, but it is especially challenging when you are a woman facing significant challenges like poverty, a history of substance abuse, physical or mental health issues or strained living conditions, as many of our Soup of Success participants experience.

During the 10 week quarantine the staff reached out and supported the current class with weekly mailings, zoom meetings and teletherapy. We were also very intentional about daily connection with them via Facebook group and chats.

A few of our participants shared some particularly inspiring accomplishments they were able to achieve:

Lorie: “I've continued to succeed during this time by completing my addictions aftercare program. It's a huge accomplishment for me and they [Team 22] cheered me on and congratulated me. I'm still doing everything I have to for drug court as well as started therapy. Lots of good things are still happening even through this difficult time. I feel empowered and proud that I'm still succeeding."

Angie: "I have learned so much about myself since I started the Soup of Success program. And when the quarantine happened, I was able to use some of those life skills that I had forgotten, but that I was just beginning to re-learn at SOS. I've learned to grasp at some long-term goals that I set for myself. For instance, I quit smoking the day that we had our last class together. That was March 17th and I quit smoking that day.”

Ranya: “Before SOS I was desperately trying to help anyone and everyone to the point of exhaustion and depletion because my depression and anxiety insisted that if I wasn’t useful I wasn’t valuable. With the SOS ladies and my Team 22 I’ve learned that I’m valuable regardless, and that while being of service to others is still important to me, I’m taking care to acknowledge my limitations and take good care of myself because "I have to put on my own mask before helping others with theirs" as Kathy likes to put it. If I’m not okay first I can’t help anyone else either.”

We are so proud of all of our participants, for how they handled our time apart, and how they are handling all the changes now that we are back together. June 1 we began meeting in person again. Classes have been moved to the warehouse where we can work at a safe distance, breaks have been staggered and individual therapy is taking place via zoom with our therapist. The women are working in production in all areas throughout the mornings, learning how to sew, make shower melts, pour candles, assemble soup mixes and fill orders from our website

If you are interested in purchasing Soup of Success products, visit our website, or call for a shopping appointment in our store Monday - Friday 9-4. Thank you for your support!