Our Staff


Keith Sarber, Executive Director, 574-295-3673 ext. 110 ksarber@churchcommunityservices.org

Chet Miller-Eshleman, Development Director, 574-295-3673 ext. 102, cmiller-eshleman@churchcommunityservices.org

Donna Parker, Controller, 574-295-3673 ext. 125 dparker@churchcommunityservices.org

Larissa Lomeli, Volunteer Coordinator and Administrative Assistant, 574-295-3673 ext. 129 llomeli@churchcommunityservices.org

Steve Noble, Facilities Manager, 574-295-3673 ext. 112 snoble@churchcommunityservices.org

Soup of Success

Betsy Ayrea Delfine, Soup of Success Director, 574-295-3673 ext. 105, betsya@churchcommunityservices.org

Rachel Johnson, Soup of Success Production Manager,  574-295-3673 ext. 111, rjohnson@churchcommunityservices.org

Michelle General, Soup of Success Case Manager/Trainer,  574-295-3673 ext. 104, mgeneral@churchcommunityservices.org

Food Pantry

Michael Downing, Food Services Director, 574-295-3673 ext. 116 mdowning@churchcommunityservices.org

Julian Smith, Warehouse Manager, 574-295-3673 ext. 131 jsmith@churchcommunityservices.org

Kris Chumas, Food Pantry Manager, 574-295-3673 ext. 132 kchumas@churchcommunityservices.org

Seed to Feed

Erica Lint, Seed to Feed Director, 574-295-3673 ext. 122 ecoppens@churchcommunityservices.org

John Monger, Garden Manager, 574-295-3673 ext. 117


Tristan Clawson, Americorp intern, garden assistant

Financial Services

Sandra Sanchez, Bilingual Case Manager, 574-295-3673 ext. 108 ssanchez@churchcommunityservices.org

Sandy Carbone, Counselor, 574-295-3673 ext. 101

Amy Brock, Intake Coordinator, 574-295-3673 ext. 128 abrock@churchcommunityservices.org


Linda Smith, Housekeeping

Bill Smith, Housekeeping

SOS staff left to right: Rachel Johnson, Danielle Hammond, Sue McDonald, Betsy Ayrea, Rhanesha Woods, and Michelle General
CCS food pantry staff left to right: Michael Downing, Kris Chumas, and Julian Smith.
CCS Housekeeping staff left to right: Linda and Bob Smith